STM Services | Tire Mounting & Balancing

With help from all of the newest and best technology, STM is here to get your car down the road vibration free and without worry of scratching your expensive wheels!

Our new Hunter Revolution tire machine and Road Force Elite Balancer have been complete game changers for us! Not only is it a worry-free and touchless experience for our techs but now you can rest assured that your $10,000 wheels won't suffer from scratches or dings as well.

(585) 226-8226
160 Orchard Street
Webster, NY 14580

Mount & Balance Rates:
• $200 per hour
• Minimum charge time is 1 hour
• Extra parts not included (wheel weights, valve stems, etc.)
• Please call ahead to schedule your appointment

STM Wheel and Tire Balancing

Road Force Elite Balancer
The world's fastest diagnostic wheel balancer! We can easily solve vibration problems using the diagnostic load roller.

STM Hunter Wheel Balancer

Hunter Revolution Tire Machine
The best equipment out there! Unmatched safety for both your wheels and our techs. The Revolution constantly monitors your TPMS location and the automatic procedures protect expensive rims and tires.

STM Hunter Tire Machine